Therefore, we chose to search the broad paediatric population and subsequently describe the influence of age on choice and effect of the play interventions. However, evidence-based age-specific subdivisions of play interventions are lacking in the existing literature. Play interventions may depend on age and developmental status. Because formal consensus on the definition of play is lacking, 2 8 we included any intervention using a playful approach actively involving patients, but we excluded creative arts therapies such as music therapy. We searched for peer-reviewed original studies available in English on play interventions within a hospital context in relation to various health-related and treatment-related outcomes among children and adolescents aged 0–18 years. 22 23 Therefore, this scoping review aims to categorise and synthesise the scientific literature on the use of hospital play interventions in the last 20 years to potentially inform, guide and encourage future efforts in using and evaluating play interventions in the care of paediatric patients. Existing reviews are further impaired by non-systematic literature searches and few included studies. Previous meta-analyses 10 11 and systematic reviews 12–21 have examined specific areas of play in hospitals, or specific play solutions for paediatric patients, but reviews on the general use of play in hospitals are limited.
Uniform implementation may be further challenged by continually changing conditions in healthcare.
This might stem from a lack of knowledge on when, where and how to best practice play in the treatment and care of paediatric patients. While many different traditions and practices exist in hospitals, most countries lack formalised programmes on the use of play interventions. 2 6 8 Attitudes towards children’s integrity and adult participation in the child’s play and the acceptance of playing with particular toys also affect the practices of play in hospitals. 6 7 Moreover, hospital resources, children’s health status and treatment needs, expectations about illness and health behaviour influence the implementation of play interventions. In some countries play facilitated by specially trained staff for selected patients, rather than a normal, everyday activity. 6 Consequently, hospital play interventions are often individualised and treatment-oriented. Rapid turnover of hospitalised children, with few staying for longer periods, limits opportunities for playful relationships and comfortable familiarity with hospital playrooms. Recently, the WHO recommended that all doctors and nurses utilise play within treatment and care and that hospitals promote research on using play. The WHO’s standards of children’s rights in hospital include the right to play. 2 Furthermore, play is essential for healthy development, and adopting play interventions into the treatment and care of paediatric patients may reduce developmental regression. 2–4 Play is recognisable, safe and can be used to communicate complex information in an age-appropriate manner. Play, long viewed as a means for children to cope with the challenges of hospitalisation, 1 is a way to reduce and prevent stress and anxiety in children.